
33 Who can bring an accusation against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies. (Romans 8:33 CSB)

If you spend any time living a life of faith and especially being outward about it with others, someone is going to be confrontational. It may come in the form of others contesting some of the things we believe, or it may be that they find ways to undermine us in the background. To be honest, it can come in many different forms both overt and covert.

We must be sure that no matter what, we are speaking scriptural truth with love. We cannot hope to be what God expects of us if we are being confrontational in our own wisdom. In doing so we are not speaking God’s truth, but just trying to win human arguments. This is nothing more than a waste of time.

When we speak in God’s truth who can bring an accusation against us? Many may try but it is only God who justifies and His truth cuts through human arguments.

This, however, requires patience and humility. We will never force an argument on scriptural truth and win. Only when the prompting of the Spirit moves will we be able to be persuasive in our speech and, possibly, win others over to God’s truths.