
15 The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it. (Genesis 2:15 CSB)

As much as we might seek a quite a peaceful weekend from our work, we were built by God to work.

Breaks are necessary to keep us from burning out, but if we go too long without enough to do we begin to fabricate things to keep us busy. We like to complain about our work or our work place, but the reality is that without out it we lose focus.

God made man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work and watch over it. He gave him purpose beyond simply living in and eating from the garden.

As much as we might grumble, work gives us meaning. And unless we have the opportunity and privilage to work in ministry full time, most of us will have two jobs. One that pays the bills and one that is our faith based calling. Now, it is not that our paying job is not or can not be our calling as well. Maybe God called you to some form of work place ministry. I know others who have, but while living my faith at work has always come easy, ministering there has not for me.

Regardless of where you are called, know that while we may one day retire, our work really never ends. I know you may not want to hear that, but it is better to set that in your mind now so that you are prepared for what ever transition God has planned for your life.