The Practice we Feed

15 For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate. (Romans 7:15 CSB)

We need to gain an understanding around what drives us. Is it predominately a Godly nature or is it the sinful nature of the flesh? Make no mistake, a war rages within and around us daily for which nature will win out. It comes down to which we feed.

We tend to see these two natures falsely as big and small. The worldly nature being big and the Godly nature being small, when in truth that should be reversed. Yes, to our simple minds the world around us is a big place that has many indulgences and eternity is far away. In fact we are comparing a whisper of vapor against the vastness of eternity.

In the grand scheme of things the whisper of vapor that is our life on this earth should not rule the vastness of the prospect of eternity.

And yet, daily we tend toward the world and not toward eternity. Why is this? When we know better, we continue to live as if this is all we have. Paul struggled with this just like we do. He wanted to do the good that he knew was from a Godly nature, but instead he practiced that which he hated.

I think his use of the word ”practiced” in this scripture is most unique. It shows us that he viewed his actions as something greater than simple chance or happenstance. He realized that what he did was far more calculated.

So consider today if what you is a worldly or heavenly practice. Feed the right one.