By a Standard

16 however, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained. (Philippians 3:16)

Do you live by a standard?

I would expect that you do and I would hope that it is scripturally founded.

If we do not live by a standard then life can become very difficult indeed. No standards typically means no norms. We have no set behavior in a given situation or we have no compass by which we are guided.

This seems like a rhetorical question, but more often than we realize we allow life to live us instead of us living life. What this means is that we are just going to the motions on a daily basis. It is like driving somewhere and having no clear remembrance of how we got there.

Living by a standard is not living by rote.

If you are unfamiliar with the term ”rote” here is what it means; proceeding mechanically and repetitiously; being mechanical and repetitious in nature.

Living by a standard is not this. It is living a dynamic life that is ever growing but has guardrails. Our standards in living create boundaries not limitations. Unfortunately, many see these standards as stifling. They do not want boundaries in their lives, and they do not realize how valuable they are.

When we begin to understand scriptural standards around living and structure a life around them, we find that we are far more free to live with far less drama.