Slow Down to Speed Up

40 But Martha was distracted by her many tasks, and she came up and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So tell her to give me a hand.” (Luke 10:40 CSB)

If you are anything like me, your days are filled with things you need to get done. We end up completing our days exhausted and wanting nothing more than to just relax. But even then we have other responsibilities that clamor for our time and attention.

Maybe like Martha we see others who have seemingly found a way to stop and focus upon resting in Christ love. Martha is bitter that Mary is taking a moment to listen to Christ and truly be with Him. And He is not going to take that away from her. Martha probably did really want a hand, but more importantly she wanted Christ to recognize what SHE was doing.

There is nothing wrong with leading a busy life. In fact it is almost a prerequisite in today’s world. But how much of that busyness is the enemy just keeping us distracted from what is better?

We may need to ask ourselves if we would move faster by slowing down. That may seem counter-intuitive but many times it is the case. By slowing down and limiting our task to the most important things we actually get far more done. And in doing so, we leave windows for Christ still small voice teaching us what is better.