Duality of Man

25 …So then, with my mind I myself am serving the law of God, but with my flesh, the law of sin. (Romans 7:25b CSB)

Have you ever considered the duality of man? I have, quite a lot in fact. I very clearly recognize my own duality. I want to do the good God desires of me, but I recognize how sinful my flesh can be. We can consider this the light and the dark side of our nature, our internal Cain and Able.

Now I have known a few people who have had little to no dark side, and I have known those who were the opposite. In most of us we strive for a good nature but typically settle for a balance. God is not looking for a balance. To Him we are like dirty rags. He knows that the only good in us is that which is of the Spirit which we were given when we came to believe.

This is why we cannot ”do” anything that will provide us salvation. Only through belief and Christ is this granted. Our works will never be enough and the duality of man shows us this simple fact pretty much daily.

I hope you do not struggle with your darker side. Sadly, I do and it is only through clinging to scripture and Christ that the light wins over the darkness. But I have a healthy respect for both of these aspects of who I am. I believe, to do so, is to recognize the root of our being and better manage the darkness. I too know that I can only do so through Christ strength, for I am a weak and sinful man.