Special Access

We have also obtained access through him by faith[a] into this grace in which we stand, and we boast[b] in the hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:2 CSB)

Have you ever been given special access to something unique? Maybe it was special access to a sporting event, or concert, or other unique gathering. Maybe it was special access to a location that allowed you to see what others generally cannot. How did that feel? They don’t call it ”special” for no reason. It is how it makes us feel. Special. Set apart. Honored.

Well, we have obtained access through Him by faith into grace, which we should stand and boast. What is more special than access to a heavenly eternity? To a loving God? To a guiding Spirit? All of which we have obtained access through faith.

That should leave you not feeling just special today, but in awe. You and I, the lowliest of the low, given special access. Not by anything we have done, no, but by what He did for us.

How could we not be expressing humble and joyful praise to God for such access? How could we not be telling everyone we meet? How could we not feel blessed beyond measure?

You are special. Never doubt this. God made you uniquely and planned your days well before He formed you in your mothers womb. He knows every hair on your head, every wart on your life. Yet, through it all, He loves us each uniquely, each specially.

You are special and given special access. Never forget this!