No Empty Words

11 so my word that comes from my mouth
will not return to me empty,
but it will accomplish what I please
and will prosper in what I send it to do.” (Isaiah 55:11 CSB)

We waste a lot of time reading the internet and the many, many empty words published there. Yet, God says, no word that proceeds from His mouth will return empty. Meaning every word in scripture has, is or will be fulfilled.

Now, this day and time, many have difficulty believing this. They see the Bible as simply a collection of stories. Something with good guidance, but nothing more than that. They often do not understand scripture and do little to gain a greater understanding.

But these words all have power. In them is the power of resurrection. In them are directions given to us directly from God. And it is here where many’s faith falters. They see the Bible as human writings only and not divinely inspired, sacred text.

But these word will not pass away. They point toward the Way, the Truth and the Life. They encompass all of the hopes of humanity.

Thus, we should read them as more than just a collection of good ideas, proper ways to live. They should define our lives and they should be passed on, one to another, so that hope abounds.