Something New

21 Now all the Athenians and the foreigners residing there spent their time on nothing else but telling or hearing something new. (Acts 17:21 CSB)

How alike the Athenians is American society today. And I mean that as a definitive statement not a question.

We spend our days, often our lives, looking for the next new thing. We can become obsessed with this in many ways. Having the latest gadget. Wanting the newest car. Seeking the next diet. Finding out the latest news on celebrities or desiring the latest fad.

Newer, bigger, better is the mantra. Throw everything away and get new things.

But to be honest, there is nothing new under the sun. There is just different, and lets face it, that is what most people are looking for.

The value of what we have is often overlooked. This is especially true when seeking the spiritual. All of the New Age ideas which have taken such root in recent years, does not begin to fill the God sized hole within us. We must seek the value of scripture and the near ness of God to begin to understand the true value of what we have.

And what we have is of exceeding value.