Granted Everything

32 He did not even spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. How will he not also with him grant us everything? (Romans 8:32 CSB)

Do you have a confidence in God providing (granting) you everything?

No, seriously, everything?

This requires a rock solid faith and belief in the provision of God.

Or, do you figure you got this? You are the purveyor of your own outcomes. Well if we take that word at it’s root, let me say, what you are selling yourself is a bag of goods. And I do not mean that in a good way.

You are selling God short.

How much control do you think you really have over your life? Sure, you might think you are running the show but God looks at our plans and laughs. It is not that He does not want us to have the desires of our heart, but that He wants those desires to run parallel with His.

And, lets face it, they rarely do.

We are a self-absorbed people.

Maybe today is the day to begin putting God and His plans first. And if you do not know what those plans are, maybe today is the day to start asking Him what they are….maybe today is the day to find out what everything really is.