Carry One Another

Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2 CSB)

As I have gotten older I realize I feel other’s pain more deeply. I empathize with them more and their difficulties weigh upon my mind so that I regularly pray for their situation. I think this is desperately needed in this day and time.

Scripture even states it as a ”law of Christ”, that we carry on another’s burdens. And if we were to do this for one another how much lighter that burden might be.

I know, it is hard in our busy, busy lives to take time for one another. Family responsibilities and work that seems never ending is ever at the forefront of our minds. It is difficult to pull time out of our schedules to truly make time for others.

However, our work-a-day burden for ourselves cannot be so heavy that we do not take time for others. This is where I feel I must insert the line ”physician heal thy self”, as I fear that this has been hard on some of my relationships over the years.

When we only have time for ourselves, we may one day find that ourselves are all we have.