Doing or Being

The one who says he remains in him should walk just as he walked. (1 John 2:6 CSB)

There are many things that we do in our faith life. There is attending church, reading scripture, telling others about Christ. But most importantly, are we walking as Christ?

I have witnessed others and experienced burying myself in ”Christian” activities. The enemy likes nothing more than to see us so distracted by doing that we forget the being.

Often times the same can be said for my work life. I am a very motivated and driven person at work. Thus, I do a lot. My calendar is busy and my day is busier. But I have a role that goes beyond the doing. Just working alot is not necessarily filling a role.

I belabor this because we are called to walk as Christ did, not just act like Christians.

I am reading, again, the great book by Craig Groeschel, ”Winning the War in Your Mind.” It follows the precept, ”As a man thinketh, so he is.” When are simply ”doing” Christianity we are missing the bigger picture. Christ wanted us to first walk as He walked, which means that we must first have the mind of Christ.

When we set our mind upon Christ and walking as He walked, the doing will be a natural out flowing of that character. We will find that suddenly as we thinketh, so we are.