Overcome and Conquer

21 Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good. (Romans 12:21 CSB)

What does it mean to be a conqueror? Other translations use the word ”overcome”. To be sure, both words can have dual meanings. In one we are overcome and in the other we overcome. The operative word is the word that comes before.

Sin can also be summed up in the word or action that comes before. It is most often preceded by our thoughts and, it can be said, our preparations to sin. Conquering sin is also in the preparation. We must be in a constant state of preparation for the potential for our sin. Not leading us to it, but leading us away from it.

Our thoughts often betray our actions. Sin begins in the mind and works its way outward. Much like faith begins in the heart and works its way outward into our lives. For us to overcome and conquer our sinful life we must set our minds to the faith we live. We must overcome there first so that sin has no fertile ground in which to take root.

Then, and only then, can we truly be conquerors.