
31 “Simon, Simon,[a] look out. Satan has asked to sift you[b] like wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you[c] that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 21:31-32 CSB)

Though we never want it, there may be times where God gives Satan a free hand in our lives. He never leaves us, but He allows difficulty so that we might mature in our faith. In these times of growth we can accept the guided growth or we can become bitter and resentful.

Many do the latter and begin to rail against God. Look, God is big enough to accept your anger. But we must not lose sight of the larger lesson in life God may be trying to teach us. If the hardship is one of loss it can be especially painful to see in this way. To be sure not every hardship is a lesson God is teaching us. But every hardship is a chance to call upon God for his grace, mercy and comfort.

When we are beyond what we are going through, it is time for us to turn back and strengthen others. If we have grown and matured through our difficulty, we have been taught through our adversity. We now know more and can be a sounding board and teacher of others.

I have seen many good people become great pillars of faith through adversity. My aunt who lost three of four children throughout her life is one such person. She became a rock of faith.

Thus, when being sifted we can be blown away like the chaff or we can come out as the pure kernel God planted us to be.