
20 For no one will be justified[a] in his sight by the works of the law, because the knowledge of sin comes through the law. (Romans 3:20 CSB)

Do you follow the laws of the land? I suspect for the most part you do. Do you know when they were written? Would you be surprised that some may go back hundreds of years? If you ever take time to do a study on weird laws still on the books you might be amazed.

However, the majority of law are there to protect us and to govern life. They point toward what we consider wrong. They become guardrails for life. The same can be said for scriptural laws, especially Old Testament laws. Many of them governed Jewish life and may not necessarily pertain to us directly today. However, many Old Testament laws pointed toward specific sinful behavior that does pertain.

Following laws like this does not save us from the sin we commit. No, they are guidepost to the salvation provided through Christ which washes away sin. Without His salvation we can only hope to keep our selves from sin through the law which we know is inadequate to save us. Thus. the law has purpose, but it is to point out the sin we commit.

Isn’t it beautiful that Christ sacrifice saved us from the law and sin.