Do You Not Recognize

Or do you despise the riches of his kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing[a] that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4 CSB)

At the top of God’s riches is salvation through His Son, Christ. But too, the riches that God imparts to us through His kindness, restraint and patience are things we must recognize as well.

If it were not for all of these things our lives would spiral down into an abyss of despair. God is gracious to be there for us, be forgiving, when we in no way deserve it. It is in this grace and mercy where love abounds. It is here where we find rest even when we do not deserve it and when we are desperate for it.

But we cannot despise this richness and kindness. It must lead us to repentance and a turning toward God. It too must lead us to our own form of kindness, restraint and patience with others. How can we expect these things from God when we are unwilling to give them ourselves?

Through His love we are lifted up and brought out of the depths of our own sinful nature.