The One to Come

14 For we do not have an enduring city here; instead, we seek the one to come. (Hebrews 13:14 CSB)

Do you ever feel that you just have no real place? That you are a stranger in a strange land? Well, that is true. We do not have an enduring city here, we should be seeking the one to come.

However, we spend so much time, money and effort feathering our nest here, even though ”here” is passing away. Look, it is not that we should not do what we need to make our time here productive. But are we spending everything on something that is passing away? Are we not spending any time on eternal things?

Do we consider the impact we are having on others and how much we might be doing for the Kingdom of God?

Simple acts of kindness, helping a brother or sister, telling others about Christ, serving. Each of these have a place in our lives.

When we only work for our betterment, we are not doing the will of God.

How much better this life and the one beyond when we do more for others than for ourselves and even more for God.