In The Beginning

1 In the beginning God….(Genesis 1:1a CSB)

My pastor is a pretty amazing guy. He began a new series of sermons this weekend and began the whole thing by preaching an entire message on half of the first verse in the Bible.

He challenged us that how we respond to God and the Gospel is fully predicated upon how we view this first half of a verse. In our world view everything must begin and end with God.

Aside from this being a great sermon, and spot on point, it highlighted to me the importance of each verse, each word. I mean I already knew this but I think it is worth mentioning.

We have such a wealth of information at our fingertips each and every day, but greater wisdom still is imparted in the words of scripture. I have written well over 1700 devotionals and every day I find yet more that I can write about. More that I am compelled to study.

And unlike the worlds knowledge that is at our fingertips now, the wisdom of scripture does not pass away. It is the Word of God sent to us all to give us living water. A wellspring that flows into eternity.

As you begin your week, remember ”In the beginning God…” and go about your day with the knowledge that He is there, He loves you and He awaits you in eternity. How can we have a bad day knowing these things?

Let the stress of your pressing week give way before the love of God.