The Convenient Truth

“Claiming to be wise, they became fools.” …. ”They exchanged the truth of God for a lie…” (Acts 1:22&25a CSB)

I have written often on the truth of scripture. I too, of late, have written more and more about how our society is fulfilling scripture today by exchanging truth for a lie.

Twenty one years later we are also whitewashing how we talk about 9/11 so as not to offend others. We are so concerned about political correctness that we no longer speak truth to one another and our children are suffering for it. “Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.” attributed to the philosopher George Santayana, and it is a phrase we need to take to heart.

This becomes increasingly important in light of scriptural truth. It is not there to be twisted or picked apart and used as we see fit. It is God’s truth which many do not want to take as their truth. Truth is not meant to be convenient.

Many pastors today do not want to take on the hard scriptures and preach fire and brimstone. No, we want to preach a seeker friendly message that is love without the eternal price of sin, and many ways to God.

But there is only one way.

Look, I want to love upon others and seek to speak comforting words. But when it comes to scriptural truth we cannot compromise.