A Technology Driven Life

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15 CSB)

While spending time in solitude has a value to our spiritual growth, time spent with others provides interaction we and they need. Time for us to rejoice and weep with one another creates a shared experience and allows space for empathy. And empathy is something our world desperately needs.

We are becoming more and more separated within our virtual worlds where empathy does not necessarily exist. It is easy to become very one dimensional within that world and we are being pushed further and further into virtual existences. The same can be said for too much time in solitude.

Virtual worlds, like is being marketed through things like Meta, have the ability to separate us even more. Through the guise of increasing virtual interaction we will lose the personal touch of actual interaction. There are so many things that can go wrong when we dive even deeper into a completely technological living of life. Most important of which becomes the loss of empathy which fades quickly within a virtual world.

No, we need human interaction and human touch, this is how we were made. My mind can envision such horrible things when we devolve into living a purely technology driven life.