Joy in the End

59 I thought about my ways
and turned my steps back to your decrees.
60 I hurried, not hesitating
to keep your commands. (Psalm 119:59-60 CSB)

Have you ever considered how quickly you move toward something you want to do but move more slowly toward something you have to do?

Our desires often overcome our responsibilities.

This week was a very busy one for me. Workload was high, stress was high and I wanted nothing more than to just relax somewhere. But I had work to do and slacking off was not something I could afford to do. So I kept at it hard.

Now we have a long Labor Day weekend that, in all honesty, I had totally forgotten about. It was just the break I needed from, what in all truth, has been a few weeks of heavy work.

This is how God works in our lives even when we do not recognize it. He is allowing life to be difficult so we can more enjoy the time of relief that is coming. He is giving us more reason to rejoice and rest so that we are capable of more.

When we keep our feet directed to His path, while it may be hard there is joy in the end.