Sold Out

27 Come on, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay a hand on him, for he is our brother, our own flesh,” and his brothers agreed. 28 When Midianite traders passed by, his brothers pulled Joseph out of the pit and sold him for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took Joseph to Egypt. (Genesis 37:27-28 CSB)

Have you ever been sold out by another? Maybe there was some type of animosity between you and before you know it they are making life difficult for you in some way.

Joseph got sold out by his brothers. However, if we read the passages before this happened we find that Joseph was not necessarily being kind. He was a favored son and he had a dream that all of his brothers would bow a knee to him. This did not sit well.

Are we the purveyors of our own animosity? Are we, by how we are respond to others putting ourselves above them in some way to cause this?

I think we have to look long and hard at our own actions and motives before pointing the finger at others. Are we truly our own worst enemy? Could it be the enemy we are forming is being done so by our own hands?

I have asked a lot of questions today, but ones that need asking. It is easy to put ourselves in compromise with others simply by how we act and react. We are human and we act as humans do. We offend and are offended by the slightest word spoken wrong with no realization of the offense.

When we stop to ponder why we are being sold out, do we ponder our hand in the action?