Don’t be Afraid

23 For last night an angel of the God I belong to and serve stood by me 24 and said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul. (Acts 27:23-24a CSB)

Wouldn’t it be nice if God would send us an angel in times of trouble and tell us ”Don’t be afraid.” However, it would probably make us even more fearful that an angel was talking to us.

I believe there are desperate times when we are visited. Possibly by angels, but more commonly by those around us who care. Those filled with the Spirit and sent by God, all the same, to be our angels on earth.

We too can be one of those angels here on earth, sent to help another. The Spirit within guides us and compels us to reach out to another brother or sister who is hurting. Then we are sent upon divine appointments.

Thus, we have the Spirit within and the angels around us are always there, helping us to not be afraid. Even in what we are fearful about we can recognize we do not have to be alone or afraid. We are loved. We are cared for.

No matter what you are doing today, no matter what might be coming your way, or you think is coming your way, don’t be afraid. Seek the Spirit within, seek the angels around you, seek to be the angel for someone else.

You may say, ”this is easy for you to say, you do not know what I am going through!” And you would be right, I do not. However, I bet I have been through something similar or have helped someone who has gone through something similar. Solomon wrote ”there is nothing new under the sun” in the first century, this is ever more true today.