Time Away

16 Yet he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed. (Luke 5:16 CSB)

As you may know if you follow these devotions, I recently did something very out of character for me. I took time away.

It was the first big trip I had taken in a very long time. It also constituted the first time in my career where I took two weeks off. I have never taken a lot of time away. I will go, at times, for a long weekend or take a week off during either summer or around Christmas. But typically even when I do, I stay “online” checking on stuff. And this is sad. No one has written on their grave stone, ”I wish I had spent more time at work.” And when we do not take time to disconnect we cannot fully recharge.

Look, work is important and I pour 110% of myself into it. My wife does even more as it seems our teachers have to spend 80 hours a week getting their jobs done.

But I have a good friend who has always espoused the virtue of taking time away. And I think he is right. Not only from the standpoint of how it rejuvenates the mind and body, but I think if done right, God honors our time away.

Our scripture today is about Jesus taking time away. He would withdraw into a deserted place to seek time to be with His Father. He both needed it and God honored that time. He did not allow it to take away from His mission, no, in fact it most likely made that mission more dynamic, deeper and robust.

You see, when we take a break and truly take time away, spend part or all of that time talking to God, I think He does two things. He reveals pieces of His plan to us, the things we need to know. And he sharpens others views of us. It allows them to see what is missing when we are away. Now, we hope those feelings are positive ones. But if we are doing Gods will, He will make it all work to our benefit.