On a Dime

1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is overtaken in any wrongdoing, you who are spiritual, restore such a person with a gentlespirit,[a] watching out for yourselves so that you also won’t be tempted. Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:1-2 CSB)

Too often we look at others who may be suffering from the byproduct of making wrong choices in life and simply shake our heads. We do nothing to restore them with a gentle spirit and considering just how easy it is for us to, to be where they are.

Life can turn on a dime. This phrase is most often uttered to represent the negative direction our lives can take. And, surely, today’s scripture it focused upon our need to reach out to others in times of their need.

However, this phrase can also be seen in the positive. Our lives can change drastically moment to moment for both good or ill. Thus, it is very important that we live in the moment. Not buried in the past, nor overly expectant upon the future. We have only this moment, it is all we are given. We should then celebrate when and where we are. Yes, taking time to help restore others in the moment as well.

I think of all of the times when I let a possibly important moment pass me by. The times when someone was reaching out, but I was too busy. The times I was reaching out, but could find no one to talk to. Each of us have moments where we need another. And in that moment, when life is turning on a dime on us, we must seek God first and relationships second. But know that our need for interaction is something that God put in place so that we do not go through this life alone.