Ever Changing/Never Changing

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 CSB)

There is a comfort in knowing that at least one thing in our lives is constant, and that constant is Christ.

The old saying that nothing in life is certain except death and taxes can be disheartening. But while death is sure, Christ overcame death, and through Him we too overcome death. Yes, we must go through the physical process, there is no avoiding that. But waiting on the other side is eternity in heaven with our Lord.

These are not platitudes. Gaining a surety about how you will spend eternity can make whatever you are going through here on earth manageable. Also, knowing that Christ never changes and is the same yesterday, today and forever can provide a steadiness in life.

Our world is ever changing. We need something to cling to that provides stability. We need someone we can rely upon fully. Someone who will never leave us, nor forsake us. Someone who is closer than any friend or family. Someone who can save us from ourselves.

That someone is Christ, someone who is never changing.