The Connection

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect. (James 5:16 CSB)

I pray a lot. I feel like I need it. I need communion with God. But also, I want to intercede for those around me who need prayer. I, however, am not the prayer warrior that I know some people to be. I stumble through my prayers far too often, not knowing what to say. Prayer did not, does not, come easy. Maybe you feel the same way.

However, prayer for my family, my friends and those around me who need it drives me.

“I’ll pray for you” may seem like a platitude, but for some of us it is a way of life. I meet many who need prayer and I genuinely and earnestly pray for them, I tend to continue to pray them through what ever they are going through.

I am not great at this. Like I said, prayer does not always come easy to me. But I know God knows my heart and my desire to pray for others.

Additionally, I pray for myself a lot. Not so much for things I want, but to be a better man. My sins are ever before me and I know I need much help throughout my day, often moment to moment. I also try to spend much time in prayers of thanksgiving. There is just so much God has done in my life and so many prayers I have witnessed him answering.

While prayer may not come easy, it is THE connection with our God that we should afford ourselves and to lift others up.