True Power

40 and saying, “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross!” (Matthew 27:40 CSB)

I believe that much within scripture and outside of it that has taught me this one fundamental truth; true power is strongest unwielded.

Christ could have come down from the cross. But he chose to stay for our salvation to be completed. He chose to endure not only the pain, but the humiliation while those around debased Him and spat upon Him.

The God of the universe, in human form, chose not to wield the power He had. He chose to obey. He chose to serve.

I have known truly powerful people. Those with great physical strength and presence and those with great power in business. Some have wielded it like a great sword to be swung wildly, uncaring of the damage they did. But others, far fewer but arguably far greater, have wielded it quietly and gently. Choosing to be humble and let that power influence those around them in positive ways rather than negative. This last group were also the greatest servants I have known, always willing to help. They moved the world with gentle nudges and not great flexes.

I believe we all have greater power than we realize. We have, daily, the ability to influence those around us in either positive or negative ways. If we will but take our example from Christ and show true power in humble service and gentle nudges we too can move the world.