
 Yet when Michael the archangel was disputing with the devil in an argument about Moses’s body, he did not dare utter a slanderous condemnation against him but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:9 CSB)

Too often we take it upon ourselves to condemn others. We are judge, jury and executioner with our pronouncements against them. But this is not our place.

Righteous indignation seems to take over and we don’t even give our condemnation a second thought. We do not think about just how much condemnation we deserve first. If our pronouncements were like boomerangs and they came back to us two fold when deserved, just how much would be be seeking cover from the onslaught?

Even the archangel Michael left that to God when speaking of the enemy. I am sure Michael had ample justification in any condemnation he could have brought, but he did not. He turned to God and His rebuking hand.

How much more should we, mere humans, hold our thoughts and tongues when it comes to others. Truly, who are we to condemn? Are not most of us chief among sinners in this?

Next time a harsh though against another enters your mind, think of Michael. Condemnation is not our place.