Wrong Decisions

10 God saw their actions—that they had turned from their evil ways—so God relented from the disaster he had threatened them with. And he did not do it. (Jonah 3:10 CSB)

God was about to wipe out the city of Nineveh, where He had sent the reluctant Jonah to prophesy about their faith. They listened, turned from their evil ways and God relented.

The Lord is continually putting reasons in our path to get us to change of behavior, if we will but listen.

Look, I am the most stubborn chief among sinners here. Much like knowing what I should eat to avoid any of the diabetic issues that I might have, I like to eat. And I have other bad habits. Just like I am sure you do. I am not calling you out, I am just stating what I expect to be a fact.

God does not want negative outcomes in our lives, but He also will not force us to do what is right. He, luckily, is a very patient God. He prompts and waits, and then prompts again. But do not fool yourself, He will allow us to decide to make the wrong choice and then it is we who must deal with the consequences.

If we will but stop, listen and like Nineveh, turn from our evil ways, God is waiting with open arms.