The Forgotten Plan

14 But when all goes well for you, remember that I was with you. Please show kindness to me by mentioning me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this prison…..23 Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph; he forgot him. (Genesis 40:14 & 23 CSB)

Joseph had done the chief cupbearer a solid that put him in favorable position with the Pharaoh. Then he got forgotten.

But God never forgets and God’s forgotten plan is always the best plan.

God was preparing Joseph and using his forgotten time to prepare him for God’s greater plan. He was teaching Joseph all of the language and cultural elements he would need to know for service to the Pharaoh.

We often forget that in the times we feel forgotten, God is preparing us for something. We are not truly forgotten, we are in school.

God waste nothing. He takes and shapes every moment of our lives. And while He gives us the ability to choose our path, He is busy preparing the ends of each path we take and shaping them into the path He desires us to take, even when we don’t.

Our job is to see our current situation through. Not to bail on God’s plan when the road gets rough, but to tough it out and continue moving forward. It is this moving forward that is often hardest. Moving forward when we see no end to what we feel is our forgotten’ness.

But, you are never forgotten.