
“Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” (James 1:12)

The Bible speaks often about perseverance. In fact if we take the Bible as a whole it could be said that the three main themes are Love, Perseverance and Sacrifice. And these all lead to Salvation through Christ.

I know I write here about this often as well, and that is because we all encounter much in this life that requires perseverance.

Yesterday was one such day for me. Work was especially hard, lots of turmoil and demand, then I came home to my son having some life difficulties. I realized that I was burnt and ill suited to providing him the insight and mentoring he needed and this morning I feel bad about that. I was down, he was down and I did not lift him up.

I am sure many of you have faced similar situations where you have a trying day and come home to someone needing you to be strong. And you are just not feeling it.

This is where I should have stopped down, prayed for guidance, forgotten my weariness and troubles for a moment and helped my son persevere.

We all need help in this life at times and we all need to help others through it at times if we all hope to persevere.