
and the angels who did not keep their own position but abandoned their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in deep darkness for the judgment on the great day. (Jude 1:6 CSB)

The limits of free will God has provided us extends to every being, even angels. Our God is not a god who desires to manipulate us beyond our free will. We may forget that guidance is not manipulation and there is good reason for that. We live in a world of agendas and overt manipulation. We live in a world where almost everyone has an angle.

Because we live in a fallen world.

But it would seem even angels have angles. In this way, Satan and ”the angels who did not keep their own position but abandoned their proper dwelling” all fell.

God gives us the free will to fall. And often we do.

Luckily, God’s angle is eternal. He is trying daily to guide us through the Spirit, but it is ours to accept this guidance and follow the right path.

We have deliberate choices to make each and every day. Will we uphold God’s standard and live according to His precepts or will we take the path of our fallen world and live the day as we see fit. It can be hard to choose the right path when we are crushed under the weight of our responsibilities. This is the point where we must focus more intently and more purposely upon Christ and allow Him to guide us through the complexities of our lives.

Our angle must be ever upward.