Perspective through Gratitude

1 I will praise the Lord with all my heart
in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation. (Psalm 111:1 CSB)

How much time do we spend in our prayer life just thanking God and praising Him for all He has done for us? How much time to we sit and consider all we have been given in this life and wonder in amazement at how blessed we are? In a world that exist so often in strife and petty concerns we probably do so far less than we should.

Taking the time out of our pleading for our needs and desires to show gratitude has a profound effect on providing perspective. When we view life to the perspective of gratitude we begin to see thing in a different light. We begin to see that, even in our pain God may just be blessing us in so many ways are unaware of.

Living a life of gratitude helps us to gain a truer sense of just how fortunate we really are. It also lifts our spirits and we find that joy begins to seep in and we begin to feel a deep comfort. This comfort exist in and through understanding just how much we are loved.

Gratitude is a state of mind. It requires a shift in focus away from our selfish nature and toward one of humble thanksgiving.