Every Step of the Way

18 As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. (John 17:18 CSB)

Do you ever look at life in the world like a amusement park ride? Probably a rollercoaster? Do you sometimes utter the phrase, ”stop the world and let me off.”

Yea, at times life gets so mind-numbing that we just want a break.

Now, most of the time this is due to the many responsibilities we have and the many more that seem to get added daily.

But our mission is to the world. We have a responsibility to our families and our work, but first and foremost to Christ. We most often reverse this order and do not understand the value of putting Christ first in our responsibilities. When we do so, we will find the other responsibilities more tenable. We will find that the mountains before us lower down a bit and are easier to navigate, our valleys are not so deep.

By putting Christ first He goes before us into every endeavor and will see us through. The problem is that we most often just think it is wholly upon us. But this is where our independence fools us. This is where the enemy likes to work most. Keeping us isolated from God and others.

When we take Christ with us every step of the way, we find the way in this world we have been sent to reach so much better.