When I Can’t

26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us[a] with inexpressible groanings. (Romans 8:26 CSB)

I don’t know about you, but my prayer life is not always stellar. Far too often, whether it is my lack of words, my distraction or simply my inability to articulate what I am feeling. Furthermore, I allow the enemy to seep in and convince me that I am unworthy to approach God.

This is when we can lean heavily upon the Spirit to speak for us.

Our weaknesses are what the enemy will exploit in every way possible. This is especially true when it comes to our relationship and our intimacy with God. He works to keep us separate from God and others. He knows that we are most vulnerable in isolation.

When we feel far away, the Spirit is tugging from within at our hearts. He is imploring us to seek first the Kingdom of God, to seek to find the divine in every aspect of our lives. To turn away from the world and turn toward Christ salvation and love.

When I can’t pray, the Spirit does so for me. When I feel lonely and apart, the Spirit is there for me to lean on. Some say that religion is a crutch, and I say if so, let me lean ever more so. I am not strong enough to stand on my own. I NEED the Spirit to intercede for me and to help me when I cannot help myself.

There is no shame in this, there is only thanksgiving.