
17 He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive him because it doesn’t see him or know him. But you do know him, because he remains with you and will be[a] in you. (John 14:17-18 CSB)

I think we can agree that we very much live in a time where the world is unable to receive the Spirit of truth.

But lets take a little different perspective on why. Even among Christians perspectives are different when it comes to truth. We may be able to settle upon some basic scriptural truths, but we argue over everything else because our perspectives are different.

The best thing about the majority of the Christian community is that on those perspective issues we can agree to disagree. Mostly.

But what of the world around us. A world that is unable to receive the Spirit because it doesn’t see him or know him? How do we help them come to a saving grace and indwelling of the Spirit?

Well for one, and maybe the most important component, is that we live lives worthy of our calling where our every day actions point ever heavenward. Yes, we should also be willing and able tell others the Good News. But we must first live a live that speaks to it and exemplifies one who is not of this world.

The sad truth is that simply shining God’s love on others shows that we are different. By showing that we care by listening and caring shows others what lives within us. By doing this we are a beacon of light to a dark and dying world.

Listen, I know I have written often on this topic. But I think there is nothing more important that displaying God’s love to those around us in our actions. When done in sincerity it sets us apart from the world and others want this joy and is desperately seeking a ray of Sonshine in their dark world.