I’m Simple

130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119:130)

Do you ever read a scripture and think, ”this was written for me!” Well, this is one of those scriptures for me. The fact that God unfolds His word and that He gives understanding to someone as simple as I am.

I have never overestimated my intelligence. I think God has granted me understanding and insight where I needed it. But He has purposefully kept me simple. I do not seek complicated structures, or ideologies. I think far too often we overthink this world. We try to ascribe deep meaning to situations or the actions of others that are just not there.

This is also how the enemy keeps us anxious and depressed. I have lived this life, I speak from experience. I still have times of anxiety, but God has seen fit to help me to better understand how things work. The fact is that situations are typically far simpler than we make them out to be and they are momentary, passing.

I think too that the deeper we dig into scripture, the better we understand the world around us. Writing these devotions has helped me too. They became an outward extension of my inward musings.

Thank you Lord for keeping me simple.