
11 Then they brought the boats to land, left everything, and followed him. (Luke 5:11 CSB)

If you could be sure that you and your life would be far better than it is today, what would you give up? 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%? What would you need a guarantee of to give up everything.

These first disciples left everything to follow Christ.

We all have issues with letting go. Some are sentimental others are fears, but to give up everything takes a huge leap of faith. The reality is that God rarely ask us to literally give up everything. But there may come a time when He does. And we must be ready to choose now.

Also, there are times when we are not asked to give up things, we are forced to. Maybe it is a bad habit, maybe it is something causing health issues, maybe it is a job. Maybe it is simply our pride or self-sufficiency. In these cases the choice may be taken out of our hands.

However, if we are faithful, God will not let us down. Whether it is something we choose to let go of, or the choice is taken from us, we must first be willing. We must know God has our back. We must be willing to let go of current things to gain everything.