A Proven Character

so that the proven character of your faith—more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire—may resultin praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:7 CSB)

How much do you value your character? Do others see you as you believe yourself to be? Does God?

A proven character is one that has been tested in many ways and come through strong. Note, I did not say perfect. No. I said strong.

Like gold we too are refined in fire. As we are tested our character is made stronger and stronger. But like gold while we are refined by the fire, working toward purity, things need to be added in to make us stronger. Gold itself is very soft. But when other metals are added it can become very strong and still retain its value and beauty.

You too, when things are added in, retain your value and beauty. The best we can be is better, stronger versions of what God planted in our souls. And as we go through this life, being refined, we are either getting stronger or growing weaker. But God wants us stronger. Thus, he allows things to enter our lives to make us stronger.

He is creating a proven character.