The Internal Battle

1 What is the source of wars and fights among you? Don’t they come from your passions that wage war within you? (James 4:1 CSB)

Today’s scripture points out clearly where the basis of most of our deep angst comes from. Our own selfish ways and internalization.

A book I have referred to before I once read, pointed out that many common maladies can be traced back to spiritual and emotional issues. Meaning we internalize our deep emotional issues and they manifest in actual physical maladies or diseases.

“They come from your passions that wage war within you.”

And while we may point at the world around us as the source of our issues, far too often the finger needs to be pointed back at ourselves. But we are so self-absorbed that we cannot see this for what it is.

It is only when we get out of ourselves and pour ourselves into others that we begin to see our own selfishness. We begin to realize just how inwardly focused we had become. And again, I say this because I am the chief among sinners. I crave silence and solitude, often to the exclusion of all else.

We need to well understand the source of wars and fights among us, comes from within us.