
2 ”We must bear the ‘burden’ of being considerate of the doubts and fears of others.” Romans 15:2 (TLB)

The idea of being considerate is, somewhat, lost on todays society. This is just regarding basic interaction. Actually, feeling considerate of others doubts and fears seems quite the leap of faith.

Now I do not mean to paint with the widest brush here, but when looking across the landscape of society in general, we must face the fact we lack consideration.

I get it, we are all wrapped up in our own day to day concerns, and taking time to step out of our life’s flow to show consideration may be hard. I mean, it takes us shifting the focus off of us for a time and to another. Who has time for that!?

We should!

Why can’t we give others the simple consideration of our time? Maybe if we did we would find life slows down just a little and we actually have time for others. That phone call, or meeting, or event we are a bit late for still happens. Life still goes on. But we become better by simply taking a breath for another.

It is in these breaths, in this consideration, that we find that shared burdens and fears are much more easily borne.