
29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8:29 CSB)

People get very hung up on the word ”predestined” in this scripture. The reality is that God meant for us to be conformed to His will, His plan and His purpose for our lives. Thus, He predestined us to be the way that was set forward for us when we became believers.

God is omnipotent and as such already knows the path we have taken. But this does not mean that He removes free will and does not allow us daily to chose our path. He simply knows where all of those paths lead, to our good or our ill.

This should be a comfort, knowing God knows where we end up. This was set through Christ salvation. But we have a job to do here and we will be judged upon how we do that job. We are either storing up gifts in heaven or not. Does not mean that heaven will be any less spectacular? No. What God is storing up may be more in line with what we are capable of through our work here on earth.

Regardless, our primary role here is to become ”conformed to the image of his Son.”