Practicing the Presence

38 …”The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:38b)

How often do we fall into the same habits, the same patterns of life that are not productive?

How often do we, like Paul, utter ”I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

We are creatures of weak flesh. Our spirit may be strong, but we give in to the flesh over and over again. We are truly fallen, weak and desperate creatures.

So how do we change this? One prayer at a time….

I have seen few able to overcome the flesh on their own. No, we are far too weak for this. We must find a way to be in a constant state of prayer. This, too is why the scripture says ”pray without ceasing”. It means that to overcome the flesh we must practice the presence of God at all times.

This may seem difficult, but is much easier to do when we dedicate every moment to God. I wish I were better at this. I feel like my life would be so much better. I know that when I am in communion with God, at least my spirit is stronger than my flesh. But I let this slip just a little and the weakness of the flesh takes over quickly.

The only thing I have found to combat this, is a constant communion with God. Literally giving every activity over to Him. When I do this my sinful nature is kept in check.