Show a Little Love

46 For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? (Matthew 5:46a CSB)

Here is an interesting test for you today; Be loving to every one you meet. Smile, say hello and quietly say a blessing on each person you meet.

Let me know the outcome of your day.

Spoiler Alert; It makes your day better.

All that love being showered on others has a positive effect on you. Suddenly, even difficulties in your day seem lighter. It is hard to feel bad when you are spreading good.

Now, you may say, “hey, I am in a big office, there is no way for me to do this for everyone I meet.”

Yes you can. I am not saying accost people with love. I am saying be pleasant, smile, lift them up in your thoughts. It is easier than you think. Bring each one to mind. Call them by name. It is amazing how people respond when you simply call them by name.

And if you do not know them, do not know their name, then smile and ask them how they are doing. At the very least people will think you have lost your mind and there is a good story in that for everyone.

And remember our scripture while you do this. The reward for showing love is feeling loved and knowing our Father loves us.