Right Prayer

You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. (James 4:3 ESV)

I come back to this scripture time and again to check my heart regarding my prayers. Is what I am seeking also what God wants or am I being selfish?

Yes, our prayers tend to revolve around ourselves and our lives. But are we taking time to pray for the things beyond us? Do we pray for our nation, that so desperately needs prayer? Do we pray for our leaders, both those who are in charge of our business and those who are in charge of city, state and government? Do we pray for those around us who we may not know, but who fervently need our prayers? Do we pray for God to lead us where He desires we go, rather than where we want to go?

Reflect on: Your prayers. Are they all self centered or do they seek for something beyond our condition?