The Path of Life

11 You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11 ESV)

I admire people who plan and map out their life and then stick to their plans. I have had goals and ambitions, many which I have fulfilled. And I am very good at planning and executing from a business standpoint. But life has happened in a way that I can see God’s hand in it more than my own. I have not always been clear on His path, but He has unerringly lead me down it.

I think many, if they are honest, have a general target to reach, but far less specifics about a plan to get there.

I guess in the long run I have been more trusting of where God had me and where He was leading me than I was of myself. I know what man can do when he follows his own plan. So I have let God lead and in fact in later years, simply found out where we were going once I got there. That may seem like I am giving up too much control, but it is control I really never had to begin with.

If His path leads to His presence and fulness of joy, I am where I need to be.