Fly Away

5 Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven. (Proverbs 23:5 NKJV)

Our scripture today is about acquiring wealth, but it could be said about most anything that we “will set our eyes upon”.

God is looking for us to look to Him for everything and to not put our desires on things of the earth. Wealth is the easiest thing for us to fixate upon, because this day and time it seems we never have enough. And God is not telling us to not be frugal with what we have, or plan for retirement or a rainy day. However, it must not be our obsession. He is looking for us to look for something more.

I have spoken to many a missionary who can attest to having to fully rely upon God for all they had. And He does not disappoint in these stories. In case after case, God sees to their needs.

The problem is that we keep thinking that we are the ones who are making the wealth. The ones who are becoming successful. The ones who are building the relationships. We do not give God His just due in all of the successes and good tidings in our lives.

Without Him, we are truly nothing. All that we have makes wings for themselves; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven.