24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:24 ESV)
A challenging question this morning; Do you see the Lord as your portion?
So, first, what does this mean? I have my own definition, as we all should, but I thought I would go new school and as AI and here is what it gave me; the Lord is one’s inheritance, allotment, source of hope, and security. It can also mean that God is the source of one’s happiness and blessings, and that one is content with what the Lord provides.
That is a pretty good definition. However, it missed one thing, and that is in the latter part of our scripture. In the most simple terms, the Lord is our hope.
When we put our hope in something we are looking beyond ourselves and relying upon something bigger than ourselves. Our hope is not generated from what we can do in a worldly sense, but it comes from a knowledge that God has us no matter what.
When God is our portion we are putting all of our hope in Him and relying upon Him fully. Yes, we still do our part here on earth. But we know and accept that God has complete control over everything that happens here and in eternity.