Good Grief

10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:10 ESV)

We think about grief in, really, one way. It is a bad thing that we want to avoid if we can. But there is a form of grief that is good.

When our scripture points toward worldly grief it is talking about those things that do not bring healing in our lives. You see, the kind of grief God sends our way is to lead us to repentance and healing. He wishes it for our good. The world, and the enemy, will only heap worldly grief that is meant for our destruction.

Thus, we need to look upon what is causing us grief and respond accordingly. If it is worldly it may point to something that we need to let go of in this world. If it is Godly, then it most assuredly points toward something we need to correct in our faith walk. You see, worldly grief will almost always be external where Godly grief will be internal.

Consider what today you may need to let go of in life so that worldly grief is minimized. Also look at where God is pointing in your faith life for change.